Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ocean Animals

Did you know that dolphins are aquatic animals? This means they are ocean dwellers who rely on the ocean for food.
They are among one of the most intelligent animals and most often friendly
Dolphins are mostly found in the continental shelves by the more shallow seas. They are also carnivores who eat mostly fish and squid.

Did you know all dolphins are toothed unlike whales who have no teeth. These special mammals not only live in the water but can hold there breath for several ours. That’s all. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Our Friendly Neighbor

The most common bear in North America is the American Brown Bear. Do you know that a bear lives on our property? It sleeps during the day, and look for food during the night. In the summer time it is out looking for food and storing it in his den preparing for winter hibernation.

The brown bear is normally found from Canada to Alaska to Mexico. Since the European colonization, the population of the Black Bear went from two million to 800,000. This is because of habitat destruction and hunting.

Picture Reference:

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Beware of the Stingrays

Stingrays are cartilaginous fishes, meaning they have soft cartilage instead of bones. In this respect they are related to sharks. These fishes live in tropical water, but some species live in fresh water. Stingrays swim by using their pectoral wings as propels. Their stingers are either serrated or barbed, either way they are very sharp. The eyes of the stingray are on the top of the head, for this reason these fishes cannot see very well. Just like sharks the stingray smells their prey very well.
Interesting facts about stingrays is that they are carnivore (meat eaters). They can live up to 15 to 25 years, and weigh up to 790 lbs.


Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Wild Cat

The way to tell jaguars from leopards is that the rosette on the jaguar’s body has a dot inside of it. The jaguar has shorter legs and tail than the leopard.
The jaguars are the largest type of cat in North, and South America. Jaguars also come in an all black color.
These wild cats live in the rain forest. Most jaguars live in Mato grasso, Brazil. Jaguars need lots of fresh water because it is a great swimmer. This is unusual because as you know domesticated cats hate water.
Jaguars mate any time during the year, and produce a litter of 2-4 cubs. These animals prefer to live alone and they feed on small animals such as the wild pig and large rodents.
The biggest threat to jaguar’s survival is deforestation of the rain forest.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Frog of Puerto Rico

Coqui is a little frog that lives in the rainforest of Puerto Rico . The Coqui is born with a small tail, but it disappears very fast as it grows. This frog is about 15 mm to 80 mm long and it comes in many different colors such as yellow, brown, green, and sometimes in multiple colors.

The Coqui has free toes. This means that its toes do not have a connecting membrane like the duck. This means that these little animals don’t need to swim. They have little balls at the tip of their toes that help them stick to branches and leaves, even when they are wet. Because they are so light the glue in strong enough to make them stick to the leaves.

The Coqui makes babies in all seasons, but more so in rainy weather. The Coqui is famous in Puerto Rico, and that is the reason it was made the state animal. They call it Coqui because of the noise it makes that sounds like: KO-KI. This frog begins to sing by the time the sun goes down. Only the male Coqui sings, never the female.
